Bad Neighbors (60 Power) - Resolve a dangerous conflict between the Fallen and the Hive. Thief of Thieves (60 Power) - Recover the supplies that the Fallen have taken. Red Legion, Black Oil (170 Power) - Destroy the dark liquid that the Cabal use to power their technology or contaminate it, for a subtler approach. Find and neutralize them before they can enter the field. No Safe Distance (170 Power) - The Red legion base is full of explosives even more dangerous than usual. Capture enemy vehicles and use them to even the odds.
Unsafe At Any Speed (160 Power) - A nasty Fallen Pike gang is wreaking havoc in the area. Anti-Anti-Air (160 Power) - Infiltrate the Red legion base and disable their network of flak turrets. Speed into the subterranean complex and shut them down. Stop and Go (160 Power) - Power generators in the Red legion base are open to attack - but only for a short time. Take advantage of that design flaw to send them a message. Reversing the Polarity (160 Power) - The Cabal tend to use a single technology to power everything in their arsenal. Getting Your Hands Dirty (160 Power) - Seize upon the Taken invasion of the EDZ, direct their assault against the Red Legion, and end it before it gets out of control. Investigate their connection to dark forces in the region. Dark Alliance (160 Power) - Red Legion Psions are meddling with forces best left alone. Find the source of the interference and shut it down. Poor Reception (20 Power) - The Fallen are trying to black all communications in the EDZ. Scour Fallen territory for anything to scavenge. Supply and Demand (170 Power) - An old friend is looking for Red legion supplies to. Help her amplify it to reach the entire region.
Calling Them Home (20 Power) - Hawthorne is broadcasting a message from the Farm to guide refugees. A New Frontier (30 Power) - Explore the European Dead Zone as Devrim provides support from the church. A Frame Job (20 Power) - Travel deep into enemy territory, ambush the Red Legion, and trick them into retaliating against the Fallen. List of Adventures Destiny 2 European Dead Zone